10 Minute Grammar

Language Arts Lady (LAL) provides ten minute weekly grammar/writing/spelling/vocabulary/language arts ”lessons” in this short-form podcast. LAL has written over 100 language arts/writing curriculum books totaling over 50,000 pages over the past twenty years for a couple different publishers. She loves to teach her innovative methods, quick tips, and tried solutions to language arts teaching to teachers, parents, and teaching parents (or fellow grammar nerds in general!). YOU can teach your child to write and/or successfully help your elementary through high schoolers with language arts with LAL’s help! This podcast is recorded live on IG and is available as a video at YouTube. See you soon! Other Places to Find Me: Language Arts Lady Blog https://languageartsladyblog.com/ My Teachers Pay Teachers Store https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Language-Arts-Lady-With-Donna-Reish How I Teach YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ How I Teach Episodes https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach Monday Mini Mail -- Links to all https://languageartsladyblog.com/monday-mini-mail/ My Pinterest Boards https://www.pinterest.com/characterinkhs/_created/ Raising Kids with Character Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/charactertrainingfromtheheart Cottage Class Information https://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/ Punctuation Puzzles https://languageartsladyblog.com/articles/punctuation-puzzles/ 2002-2023 Class & Tutor Opportunities https://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/

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Wednesday Sep 21, 2022

1) Noun markers/articles: THE
2) Noun: The CAT
3) Adjective: The SNEAKY cat
4) Verb: The sneaky cat CLIMBS.
5) Adverb: The sneaky cat EASILY climbs.
Three criteria for order of parts of speech:
(1) Teach to build sentences.
(2) Teach close to something else they are used with (introduce, modify, describe)
(3) Teach away from something that it is confused with (adjectives and adverbs apart)
Adverbs modify/describe a lot of things:
A djectives
V erbs
A dverbs
Adverbs answer four primary questions:
HOW: carefully ran
WHEN: later called
WHERE: drove downtown
To WHAT EXTENT: extremely helpful
When starting out with adverbs, focus on:
1) Teaching them close to verbs (but not close to adjectives)
2) Looking for/introducing them as LY words the majority of the time
3) Focusing on the question HOW (this will usually be with a verb—the easiest of the three parts of speech they describe and the most common of the three.
Check out my 140 piece Parts of Speech Poster and Reference Ring Cards set at my Teachers Pay Teachers store here.
For more in-depth teaching, watch my How I Teach video series for free here. AND…follow me on Instagram for daily language arts and homeschool tips!
I want so many great things for you and your students!!!
Look me up for more information and links to my resources:
Language Arts Lady Blog
Language Arts Lady Store
Teachers Pay Teachers Store
How I Teach YouTube Channel
How I Teach Episodes
Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles)
10Minute Grammar Podcast
Facebook/Language Arts Lady
Punctuation Puzzles
2022-2023 Classes and Tutoring
All LAL Freebies
How I Teach iTunes

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022

Sentence building so far: The sneaky cat climbs.
Noun marker/Article: The
Noun: The Cat
Adjective: The sneaky cat
Verb: The sneaky cat climbs.
With our fourth installment in the Order of Parts of Speech series, we are adding verbs--and ready to start creating sentences!
"Phonics is for reading and spelling. Grammar is for writing and speaking" (Donna Reish).
The goal of grammar is to use it to write well!
First three verbs I start with:
1) Action
2) Being, helping, and linking (check out my beginning Think Fast Grammar Quiz for the Be, a Helper, Link verb song!)
3) Infinitives (a "special verb" that starts with TO and has a verb following it: to run, to jump, to be, to appear)
Get your free single Order of Parts of Speech Poster at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
Get all 140 parts of speech posters and reference ring cards at my TPT store!
Look me up for more information and links to my resources:
Language Arts Lady Blog
Language Arts Lady Store
Teachers Pay Teachers Store
How I Teach YouTube Channel
How I Teach Episodes
Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles)
10Minute Grammar Podcast
Facebook/Language Arts Lady
Punctuation Puzzles
2022-2023 Classes and Tutoring
All LAL Freebies
How I Teach iTunes

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022

Sentence building so far:
The sneaky cat
Noun marker/Article: The
Noun: The CAT
Adjective: The SNEAKY cat
Describe nouns and sometimes pronouns
Which one
How many
What color
What kind
Two categories make it easier to punctuate multiple adjectives later:
1) Descriptive adjectives
2) Clarifying adjectives
Get your free single Order of Parts of Speech Poster at my Teachers Pay Teachers store here.
Get all 140 parts of speech posters and reference ring cards at my TPT store here!
Look me up for more information and links to my resources:
Language Arts Lady Blog
Language Arts Lady Store
Teachers Pay Teachers Store
How I Teach YouTube Channel
How I Teach Episodes
Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles)
10Minute Grammar Podcast
Facebook/Language Arts Lady
Punctuation Puzzles
2022-2023 Classes and Tutoring
All LAL Freebies
How I Teach iTunes

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022

Order of parts of speech teaching. Sounds simple enough, right? I mean everybody knows what nouns and verbs are. Just sprinkle the others in here and there….not so fast. Check out my reasons in 10MG #1!!!
Today’s episode is all about nouns! Why they are second in order. How to link them to articles/noun markers. How they precede adjectives. Why they aren’t just second grade skills! The confusion with common and proper nouns. And much more! All in ten minutes!
Order of 10 Parts of Speech Poster Pack
Order of the Parts of Speech
1. Article/Noun Marker: The
2. Noun: The cat
3. Adjective: The sneaky cat
4. Verb: The sneaky cat climbs.
5. Adverb: The sneaky cat easily climbs.
6. Pronoun: The sneaky cat easily climbs. He uses his claws.
7. Preposition: The sneaky cat easily climbs. He uses his claws on the trees.
8. Interjection: Yes, the sneaky cat easily climbs. he uses his claws on the tree.
9. Coordinating Conjunction: Yes, the sneaky cat easily climbs, and he uses his claws on the tree.
10. Determiner: Yes, the one sneaky cat easily climbs, and he uses his claws on the tree.
Links for this broadcast:
Noun Marker Articles Poster Pack
Order of Parts of Speech Complete Poster Pack and Reference Ring Cards for students
FREE single Parts of Speech Order poster with sentence building sentences! 
Check my bio for my Teachers Pay Teachers store to get the free single poster of all ten parts of speech in order with sample sentence building!
Look me up for more information and links to my resources:
Language Arts Lady Blog
Language Arts Lady Store
Teachers Pay Teachers Store
How I Teach YouTube Channel
How I Teach Episodes
Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles)
10Minute Grammar Podcast
Facebook/Language Arts Lady
Punctuation Puzzles
2022-2023 Classes and Tutoring
All LAL Freebies
How I Teach iTunes

Saturday Aug 20, 2022

Figuring out an effective, logical order for parts of speech is no small feat. I am going to continue helping you with that, along with some introductory teaching tips for each of the ten parts in this Order of Parts of Speech teaching series! Today I introduce the first in my order: articles/noun markers. I tell the theory behind putting them first and putting them right before nouns (hint: they "mark" nouns!). Then I give you my tried and true article/noun marker rhyme, along with advice as to why the typical "a, an, the" order and wording doesn't work most of the time.
Links for this broadcast: Noun Marker Articles Poster Pack: https://languageartsladyblog.com/articles-posters
Order of Parts of Speech Complete Poster Pack and Reference Ring Cards for students: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Order-of-10-Parts-of-Speech-Poster-Pack-and-Reference-Ring-Cards-8391091
FREE single Parts of Speech Order poster with sentence building sentences! https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/10-Parts-of-Speech-Order-Poster-Free-8158423
Look me up for more information and links to my resources:
Language Arts Lady Blog https://languageartsladyblog.com/
My Teachers Pay Teachers Store https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Language-Arts-Lady-With-Donna-Reish
How I Teach YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
How I Teach Episodes https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach
Monday Mini Mail -- Links to all https://languageartsladyblog.com/monday-mini-mail/
My Pinterest Boards https://www.pinterest.com/characterinkhs/_created/
Raising Kids with Character Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/charactertrainingfromtheheart
Class Information https://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/
Punctuation Puzzles https://languageartsladyblog.com/articles/punctuation-puzzles/
2002-2023 Class & Tutor Opportunities https://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/

Monday Jul 04, 2022

Welcome to the first episode of 10 Minute Grammar (10 MG)! In this episode, I introduce the Parts of Speech Order series that I will be doing over the ten parts of speech for the next several weeks. Today's episode covers Parts of Speech Order "Theory." My three criteria for the order are explained: (1) Teach them in an order that aids in sentence building; (2) Put the parts of speech that go with each other close to each other in the learning process; (3) Try not to teach something that is used to modify, describe, or replace a part of speech BEFORE that part of speech is taught. Find the order on my free Parts of Speech Order Poster here. (https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/10-Parts-of-Speech-Order-Poster-Free-8158423)
Other Places to Find Me:
Language Arts Lady Bloghttps://languageartsladyblog.com/My Teachers Pay Teachers Storehttps://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Language-Arts-Lady-With-Donna-ReishHow I Teach YouTube Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQHow I Teach Episodeshttps://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteachMonday Mini Mail -- Links to allhttps://languageartsladyblog.com/monday-mini-mail/My Pinterest Boardshttps://www.pinterest.com/characterinkhs/_created/Raising Kids with Character Facebook Grouphttps://www.facebook.com/charactertrainingfromtheheartCottage Class Informationhttps://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/Punctuation Puzzleshttps://languageartsladyblog.com/articles/punctuation-puzzles/2002-2023 Class & Tutor Opportunitieshttps://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/

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